On the morning of April 18, a delegation of six had an
exchange visit to our College, and they were: Dean of School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) Professor Lv Aiping, HKBU Associate Vice President and Director of Clinical Department of School of Chinese Medicine Professor Bian Zhaoxiang, Executive Director Chen Longsheng of HK Peili Holdings Limited, etc. They had an in-depth panel discussion with our principalYangzhu, director of PersonneldepartmentZhangjun, deputy director of Research DepartmentLiuyahua, assistant dean of graduateschoolZhuxing, party secretary of School of PharmacyZhangjingjie, head of The First Affiliated HospitalSunbo, party secretary of The Second Affiliated HospitalWangqianyu, deputy director of Education Center of Modern Information TechnologyChenjian, and other relevant staff, at the conference room on the fifth floor of Administrative Building in Huaxi Campus.

During the panel discussion,DeanYangextended a warm welcome to the HKBU delegation on behalf of the College, and briefly introduced the running condition of the College, as well as the status quo of Guizhou national medicine represented by Miao medicine. After hearing about the development of our College and taking into consideration the development trends of the health industry in Guizhou, Dean Lv Aiping of School of Chinese Medicine, Associate Vice President Professor Bian Zhaoxiang and other guests from HKBU all said that they expected to cooperate with our College in such aspects as training of Chinese medicine talents, construction of research platform, and big data construction of Chinese medicinediagnosis and treatment. During the meeting, the two sides carried out an in-depth discussion on joint training of masters, recommending doctors, further education ofcore teachers, short-term training of health care workers and other projects. Finally,Dean Lv Aiping said that he hoped this visit could enhance the cooperation betweenthe two sides, and further expand cooperative projects, to jointly promote the development of Chinese medicine education and the national medicine industry in Guizhou. After the meeting, accompanied by Dean Yang Zhu and other responsible personnel, Dean Lv Aiping and other delegates visited the campus and took group photos.