On the morning of April 13th, Dr. Jiang Yulin, the academician of the
European Academy of Science, the founder of the JZ Pharmaceuticals in France and Dean of the Chinese Traditional Culture Research Institute in Europe, together with Robert Jacquerez from the JZ Pharmaceutical Association in France, visted the university as delegates. They participated in the conference held on the fourth floor of the administration buildingwith staff members including vice president of the university Liuwen,library Curator Wanghuanan, director of the School of Pharmacy Zhangjingjie, dean of the School of Pharmacy Dujiang, vice dean of the School of Pharmacy Chaihuifang, deputy director of the graduate school Longfengxi, deputy director of the Department of Scientific Research Yangliyong and deputy director of the International Exchange and Cooperation Office Xijing. The conference was hosted by the dean of the School of pharmacy Participants held discussions and have reached agreements on issues including short-term exchange programs for postgraduates reading Chinese medicine or related subjects, graduate programs on Chinese medicine for French students, cooperation in scientific research and its possibility etc..
In the afternoon, Dr. Jiang Yulin gave a lecture on the status quo and prospect of Chinese medicine in Europe in the conference room on the first floor. In the lecture, Dr. Jiang Yulin introduced to teachers and students at campus the researches on Chinese medicine in Europe, the R & D procedure of Chinese herbal medicine and health care products as well as Europeans' acceptance towards Chinese medicine. Dr. Jiang Yulin also gave detailed answers to all the questions posted after the lecture. All participants agreed that the lecture had helped them to gain a better understanding of the status quo of Chinese medicine in Europe and the hot spots in the field. They also said that the lecture given them inspiration on future international research projects. After the lecture, the delegation also visited the showcase room for antiques at the university library as well as the greenhouse for planting Chinese medicine.