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Britain Is to Join the Air Strikes Against the Militant Group Islamic State in Iraq
2014-09-20 10:30  
Britain is to join the United States and coalition of Western and Arab nations and take part in air strikes against the militant group Islamic State in Iraq. Denmark and Belgium also promised to join the US led mission. None of the European countries will be involved in the attacks on Islamic State in Syria. Here's Mike Sergeant.

British air strikes against IS in Iraq are likely to begin this weekend but Downing Street has indicated that any action will be more about patience and persistence than shore in door that was necessarily be / every day. MPs who backed the government with a huge majority must now wait to see the consequences of their decision. The ballots of votes in favor to those against might be impression of a parliament confident and united in response to the Islamic State threat but the great unease was expressed in the debate about the future.
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