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Introduction of Enrollment Specialty of GCTCM for Foreign Postgrduate Students
2016-03-16 23:27  

The Introduction of Postgraduate Education

The postgraduate education of GCTCM started early in 1978. GCTCM is one of first batch of Master Degree Authorized Units approved by State Council. There are 3 Master of Academic Degree Authorization Center of First-level Discipline such as TCM and 20 Master of Academic Degree Authorization Center of Second-level Discipline and 4 Master of Professional Degree Authorization Centers. Meanwhile, the staff could apply master degree with same education level. There are 1 National Key (Foster) Subject, 18 Key Discipline of State Administration of TCM, 6 Key Subjects at the Provincial level, 6 National Clinical Key Specialty, 11 State Administration of TCM Key Construction Specialists (Disease), 19 Guizhou Province Administration of TCM Key Specialty.

There are 19 National Level Famous Veteran Doctors of TCM, 1 National Drug Clinical Trial Institution, 1 National Engineering Center (United), 1 State Administration of TCM Key Laboratory, 2 State Administration of TCM Scientific Research Third-level Key Laboratory, 9 Provincial Level Key Laboratories, 5 Engineering Research Center at the Provincial Level, 1 Provincial level ‘2011 Cooperation’ Innovation Center, 1 Guizhou Province Academician Workstation, 1 Guizhou Province in Humanities and Social Science Base, 1 National Enterprise Technology Center with the Enterprise to Build, 5 Provincial Science and Technology Innovation Talents Team. GCTCM had been awarded National Science and Technology Industrial Base for TCM Modernization Construction Unit by Ministry of Science and Technology in 2009.

There are 15 doctorial tutors who had enrolled and trained almost 30 doctors and postdoctors. There are 315 master tutors, 1 Master of National Physician, 1 National-level Master of National Physician, 36 Academic Successors Instructors of National-level Famous Master of TCM, 38 Guizhou Provincial Famous TCM Doctors, 18 experts enjoy the State Council and the Provincial Government Special Allowance, 12 Provincial Administration experts, 13 HouNiao Talents, 6 Guizhou Province Outstanding Young Scientific and Technological Personnel.

Enrollment specialty for Postgraduate Student Abroad

1.Class of TCM

Introduction of Discipline

The discipline of TCM possesses powerful teaching team, academic strength, discipline characteristic as the oldest main discipline. The discipline had trained postgraduate students since 1979. In 2003, the discipline became the Test Unit of Training Master's Degree in Clinical Medicine Graduate Students approved by Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council. In 2004, the discipline approved to carry out master degree applied by staff with same education level. In 2008, the discipline had been approved to enroll staff to take a master degree. The discipline had acquired authorization of the 1stlevel discipline master degree of TCM. Currently, the discipline of TCM possesses 15 Master Degrees Authorization Units.

The discipline of TCM had been Guizhou Provincial Key Discipline of Education Department. The second-level and third level discipline had awarded 3 the 11th-5 Key Discipline of State Administration of TCM, 1 Key Research Studio, 6 the 12th-5 Key Discipline of State Administration of TCM, 4 Provincial Key Disciplines. Acupuncture Moxibustion and Massage had been awarded Provincial Education Department Key Discipline of Features. The discipline also acquired 13 National level Famous Veteran Doctor studios, State Administration of TCM Key Research Studio, 1 National Drug Clinical Trial Institution. There are 3 State Administration of TCM the 11th-5 Key specialists, 3 the 12th-5 Key Specialists, 4 Ministry of Health Clinical Key Specialty, 8 Provincial Administration of TCM Key Specialists, 4 Provincial-level Key Discipline, 1 Provincial Characteristic Key Laboratory, 2 Provincial Education Team, 2 Guizhou Provincial Science and Technology Innovation Talents Team, 1 Guizhou Provincial 2011 Cooperate Innovation Center, 1 Provincial Education Department Characteristic Key Discipline.

Research Interests of Enrollment specialties

1. Basic Theory of TCM

2. Diagnostic of TCM

3. Internal Medicine of TCM

4. Surgery of TCM

Training Objectives

Train student to master basic theory of TCM deeply and acquire advanced information of the discipline. The student should have the ability to analyze problems and resolve problems and master the research ideas and method of clinical and experiment research.

The Major Instructors of Enrollment



Education background


Instruction subject


Yang Zhu


Pro./Master Supervisor

Internal Medicine of TCM


Tang Dongxin


Pro./Master Supervisor

Internal Medicine of TCM


Chen Yunzhi


Pro./Master Supervisor

Basic Theory of TCM


Jia Min


Pro./Master Supervisor

Surgery of TCM

2.Traditional Chinese Pharmacology

Introduction of Discipline

The discipline of Traditional Chinese Pharmacology is the first batch of Key Discipline of Guizhou. The discipline had constructed and developed for 40 years. Currently, the decipline possesses 3 master degree authorized centers such as Traditional Chinese Pharmacology (First-level), Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Pharmacognosy (Second-level), Formulas of Chinese Medicine (Second-level). There are 4 key disciplines of the State Administration of TCM (including Pharmaceutical Botany, Miao Medicine, Chemistry of Chinese Materia Medica(CMM), Pharmacy of CMM, 1 Country Key Cultivation Discipline (Chinese materia medica national medicine), 1 Provincial Characteristic Key Discipline (CMM), 1 National Experiment and Teaching Demonstration Center (CMM), 1 National Outside School Teaching and Practice Base (Chinese materia medica national medicine), 2 Provincial Experiment and Teaching demonstration Center (Analysis of Chinese Medicine, CMM), 2 State Administration of TCM 3rdlevel Laboratory ( Analysis of Chinese Medicine, Pharmacy of CMM), 3 Division level research Institution (National Institute of Medicine, Institute of CMM, Institute of Microelement), 3 Provincial-level Research Center (Guizhou Province Traditional Chinese Preparation Research and Developing Center, Guizhou Province CMM New Preparation New Formulation Research and Developing Center, Guizhou Province CMM National Medicine Transdermal Drug Delivery Engineering Technology Research Center),1 Provincial Key Laboratory (Pharmacognosy Key Laboratory), 1 Enterprise Technology Center (Cooperation). The discipline of Chinese Materia Medica had prossessed excellent equipment and enriched talents team via decades efforts. Currently, the discipline had been a influential discipline with enriched accumulation and outstanding success in China.

Research Interests of Enrollment Specialty:

1. Natural Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Active Ingredients Research;

2. Chinese Materia Medica and Ethnic Drug Resource Classification and Identification and Quality Control;

3. Chinese Materia Medica and Ethnic Drug Quality Control and New drug Research;

4. Chinese Materia Medica and Ethnic Drug Basic Research and Developing;

5. Chinese Materia Medica and Ethnic Drug New Preparation and New Formulation;

Training Objects:

Students should master the basic knowledge and basic skills of CMM, and have a good master of the development tendency of their research fields. Students should have the ability of working on CMM research, teaching, looking up information and writing papers independently.

The Major Instructors of Enrollment



Education background


Instruction subject


Liu Wen


Pro./Master Supervisor

Chinese Materia Medica and Ethnic Drug New Preparation and New Formulation


Du Jiang


Pro./Master Supervisor

Chinese Materia Medica and Ethnic Drug Basic Research and Developing


He Shunzhi


Pro./Master Supervisor

Chinese Materia Medica and Ethnic Drug Resource Classification and Identification and Quality Control





Pro./Master Supervisor

Chinese Materia Medica and Ethnic Drug New Preparation and New Formulation


Zhou Tao


Pro./Master Supervisor

Chinese Materia Medica and Ethnic Drug Quality Control and New drug Research

3.Acupuncture Moxibustion and Massage

Introduction of Discipline:

The Acupuncture Moxibustion and Massage Discipline had enrolled undergraduate and postgraduate students since 1985. The discipline acquired Guizhou Province the 4thbatch Provincial Key Discipline in 2006. In 2007, the discipline acquired the titles of Common Institution of Higher Education Undergraduate Demonstration Displine and Brand Discipline of GCTCM. The discipline acquired the 3rdbatch National Institution and University Feature Discipline Construction Unit in 2008. In 2009, the discipline acquired State Administration of TCM Key Discipline. The discipline acquired Guizhou Province Feature Key Discipline in 2012. In last five years, the discipline had undertook 110 research items, compiled 18 teaching material and monograph, published more than 200 including 70 core journals.

Research Interests of Enrollment Specialty

1. The Correlation Research of Acupuncture Method and Appropriate Diseases.

2. The Basis and Application Research of Acupuncture Moxibustion and Massage.

3. Acupuncture Moxibustion Treat Cardiac-Cerebral Vascular Diseases

Training Objects:

Students should master basic foundation theory and system of specialized knowledge and basic method of clinical research. Students should possess clinical analysis and thinking ability and deal with common diseases independently.

The Major Instructors of Enrollment



Education background


Instruction subject


Cui Jin


Pro./Ph.D supervisor

The Correlation of Acupuncture Method and Diseases


Yang Xiao Fang


Pro./Master supervisor

Acupuncture Moxibustion Treat Cardiac-Cerebral Vascular diseases


Feng Ling Mei


Pro./Master supervisor

Acupuncture Moxibustion Treat Cardiac-Cerebral Vascular Diseases


Chen Bo


Pro./Master supervisor

The Basis and Application Research of Acupuncture Moxibustion and Massage

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