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Acupuncture Moxibustionand Massage
2016-03-16 22:36  

Items of Enrollment

1.Basic Class of International Acupuncture

Aim of Teaching:Students will be trained to acquire the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skill. Students should be taught to master the locations and functions of 120 common acupoints. Students should have the ability of preventing and curing 22 common diseases by acupuncture.

Main Courses:Basic Theory of TCM, Diagnostics of TCM, Meridians, Acupuncture and Moxibustion , Acupuncture Therapeutics, Clinical Practice.

The Content of Courses:Yin-yang Theory, Qi Blood Spirit Body Fluids Theory, Visceral Manifestation Theory, Causes of Disease Theory. Teach tongue inspection, pulse diagnosis, eight principle pattern differentiation, qi-blood pattern differentiation and visceral differentiation. Lecture meridian courses, location and treatment effect of acupoints, acupuncture and moxibustion technique, principle of common diseases treatment, diffierentiation and acupoints combination.

Language for Courses:Chinese (Adding English translation and English class can be considered )

Length of Schooling:3 months.

2.Further Education Class of International Acupuncture

Aim of teaching:Train students to acquire the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skill. Make students to master the locations and functions of 130 common acupoints and extra acupoints. Students can prevent and cure 43 common diseases by acupuncture.

Main Courses:Basic theory of TCM, Diagnostics of TCM, Meridians, Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Acupuncture Therapeutics, Lectures on Special Topics, Clinical practice.

The Content of Courses:On the foundation of basic class, basic theory and diagnostic of TCM will be taught deeply. Lecture meridian courses, treatment effect of acupoints and acupoints combination, special acupuncture and moxibustion technique, twirling supplementation and draining method and different acupuncture seminars will be taught to students.

Language for Courses:Chinese (Adding English translation and English class can be considered )

Length of Schooling:6 months.

3.Massage Training Class

Aim of Teaching:Acquire the basic theory of massage and self-care by using common massage technique.

Main Courses:Basic Theory of TCM, Massage Outline, Massage Qigong Exercise, Massage Technique, Massage Therapy and Clinical Practice.

The Content of Courses:Basic theory of TCM, Massage General Instructions, basic technique of massage and common diseases massage therapy will be taught to students.

Language for Courses:Chinese

Length of Schooling:4 weeks.

4.Undergraduate Class of Acupuncture Moxibustion and Massage

Aim of teaching:To train student to master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic technique of TCM, modern medicine clinical practice skill and basic theory and manipulate skill. Students can treat common diseases and frequently occuring diseases by using TCM and western medicine knowledge and skill correctly. Meanwhile, they also should have strong personal communicative competence and nice professional ethics, innovate, entrepreneurship, humanistic and social science, natural science and Chinese traditional culture knowledge.

Main Courses:Basic Theory of TCM, Massage Outline, Massage Technique, Massage Therapy and Clinical Practice.

The content of courses:Teach Basic Theory of TCM, Diagnostics of TCM, Chinese pharmacy, Formular Study, Acupuncture Point Theory, Acupuncture Technique, Acupuncture Therapeutics, Experimental Acupuncture, Massage Technique, Massage Therapeutics, Anatomy, Internal Medicine of TCM, Medicine, External Medicine of TCM, Surgery, etc.

Language for courses:Chinese

Length of schooling:5 years, Bachelor of Medicine

Professional Resources for Acupuncture Moxibustion and Massage Discipline

GCTCM is one of the earlier founding Acupuncture Moxibustion and Massage Major colleges. It has enrolled undergraduate students of Acupuncture Moxibustion and Massage discipline since 1985. In 1986, it achieved master of Acupuncture Moxibustion and Massage Academic Degree Authorization Center. It achieved master of Acupuncture Moxibustion and Massage Professional Degree Authorization Center in 2003. Meanwhile, GCTCM trains PhD students jointed with Chengdu University of TCM and Hunan University of TCM. There is an Acupuncture Moxibustion and Massage Major and a Rehabilitation major in Acupuncture Moxibustion and Massage Institute. There is a Ministry of Education Characteristic Specialized Construction Points and an Experimental Acupuncture and Moxibustion Bilingual Teaching Construction Project.

Discipline Institutions and Teams

Discipline institutions and teams


Key Discipline of the State Administration of Traditional

Chinese Medicine of Acupuncture Discipline


Meridian Discipline


National-Level Famous Veteran Doctor Studio of TCM


Provincial-Level Key Discipline


Guizhou Provincial High Level Personnel Training Base of TCM


Guizhou Provincial Experimental Acupuncture

Moxibustion Education and Demonstration Center


Guizhou Provincial Education Team


Provincial Demonstration Discipline


Provincial Excellent Courses


Guizhou Provincial Regular Institutions of Higher

Education Acupuncture Moxibustion and Massage Characteristic

Key Laboratory



Guizhou Provincial Graduate Students Work Station


Medical Institutions for Clinical Practice

The No.1 and No.2 Affiliated Hospital is clinical base for Acupuncture Moxibustion and Massage Discipline including Acupuncture Moxibustion and Massage, Miao Medicine Clinic, bed-ward and Famous Veteran Studio. Currently, there are 200 beds. The discipline achieved Guizhou Provincial Administration of TCM Key Clinical Discipline in 2002, State Administration of TCM Key Clinical Discipline in 2003, etc multi-honored institutions title. These institutions apply efficient condition for clinical practice and benefit to improving ability of practice.

Teaching Team

There are 36 teaching staff including 9senior title staff, 14 vice-senior title staff, 2 part-time doctoral instructors, 21 master's instructors; 1 High Level Specially Invite Expert, 1 Guizhou Provincial Administrated Expert, 1 Guizhou Provincial 11th Youth Science and Technology Prize, 1 Guizhou Provincial 8th Batch Excellent Youth Science and Technology Cultivation, 1 Guizhou Provincial Excellent Science and Technology Person, 1 Guizhou Provincial Famous Teacher, Guizhou Provincial Excellent Master's Instructor, 3 School-Level Famous Teachers in the institution.

Experimental Acupuncture is the ministry of Education Teaching Quality and Teaching Reform of Engineering Construction Projects. Acupuncture Moxibustion and Massage Institution had been in charge of National Ministry of Science and Technology Major Basic Projects and Provincial, Bureau level Research and Teaching Achievement Rewards. The institution had achieved 40 different level research and teaching rewards and patents including 18 of them above provincial.

The Foreign Exchange ProgramsIn recent years, the Acupuncture Moxibustion and Massage Discipline had carried out foreign cooperation programs actively such as:

The institution had received 21 international exchange students of University of Salford, 19 trainees from Pushington University, 1 trainee from California South Bay University.

The institution declared Provincial Department of Science and Technology International Cooperation Issue ‘A clinical observation of diabetic peripheral neuropathy treated by acupuncture’ with University of Salford.

Professor Cui Ying had gone to Berlin to participate China-Germany Acupuncture Research Method Short-term Class and European Integration Medical Conference. Vice-professor Feng Lin had gone to Manchester Metropolitan University for 4 month advanced study.

The institution had dispatched 2 batch of 10 teachers and students to Taiwan Hongguang Science and Technology University.

The Experiment and Practice of Acupuncture Moxibustion and Massage

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Guiyang University of Chinese Medicine Huaxi university town, Guiyang , Guizhou
550025 Telephone 0086-(0)851 88233004 ICP NO.05000606   Email:gyzyxyxcb@163.com